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Her Campus

As a new semester begins, I am, yet again, overwhelmed with...

5 L's I Took Last Semester

Bang bang.

Lives die

In a blink of an eye


As I lay in my bed, sick to my core, I can’t help but reflect on a rollercoaster week.

Don't Deny Dreamers

Hollywood is in a bit of trouble right now…

Hollywood is Not the Only One

If you are Taiwanese, you will know this date. This date is what 9/11 is for all Americans.


So….college has officially started. It’s crazy to think that I’m a college student now. 

Freshies! Stress Not!

“I want to be a filmmaker.” I couldn’t even say this very simple sentence ten weeks ago.


As an avid film and TV fan, I cannot help but be aware of the news that’s coming out...

It is Possible...

I read an article lately written by an alum from my high school, which I weirdly related to a lot.

Chinese Calligraphy and Its Life Lessons

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